Photography Nicky Walsh
Food Styling Max Faber and Anke Rabeler
36 recipe photos
"Work Hard Cook Fresh"
Kunde: Freshworks Inc.
Executive Sponsors: Angelica Reyes, Arun Mani, Arun Patthabiraman
Creative Concept, Art Direction & Project Lead: Carolin Gaide
Book Design: John & Jane
Food Styling Max Faber and Anke Rabeler
36 recipe photos
"Work Hard Cook Fresh"
Kunde: Freshworks Inc.
Executive Sponsors: Angelica Reyes, Arun Mani, Arun Patthabiraman
Creative Concept, Art Direction & Project Lead: Carolin Gaide
Book Design: John & Jane
Making Off Video:
Filmography & Edition: Rodrigo Tuma
Animations: Nigel Camp / DevilBoy Productions